Fresh from warming my bum on the sofa for half an hour. It was a total waste of viewing time. Like where were the flying beer jugs and "your mother ..." insults? A waste of reality programming in my humble opinion.
Still, this was a revelation. I think the KLKillahs should just swing 180 degrees and adopt a more "socially responsible" behaviour. God knows what we were doing all along with regards to shining the light on "society". Apparently, we were totally disillusioned and had our heads immersed in bags full of nitrous oxide. This is what is gonna happen now.
1. Only "socially responsible" issues will be written about - You don't need to know about unruly bus commuters, what's going on in local TV or even about dumb KLKriminals. What you are going to see henceforth, are strict expository [2 points YES, 2 points NO, Conclusion] on topics like education, politics, business and sports.
2. "You don't know who reads your blog" - We will turn this place into a private blog, fully password loaded so we know each and every one of the 500 odd souls who reload twice a day to read us. Registration includes full given name, IC number, existing residential address, age and your tolerance to sarcasm and cynicism so that we know exactly how to tailor a custom made post for you. Posts thus will not be published here but will be e-mailed to individual registrants so that they read only what they are capable of reading. We are an equal opportunity site.
3. The loss of face - The programme itself was conducted like a panchayat we often see in Tamil flicks. It wasn't a debate. Heck, it couldn't even pass off for a Pattimandram. Solomon Pappaiya would be quite displeased with this level of oral arguments. I only understood one thing through it all and it was harped on from start to end. Don't write anything that will make people lose face. That can be you, your folks, your siblings, your friends or complete strangers. Back to being Yindian and Asian and the ideal of protecting "maanam, rosham, suudu, sornai" at all times even to the brink of death. So, yeah, take your cue from what they said and even if you ate a restaurant that served you prata with cockroach eggs as a side dish, don't tell a soul. You are "hurting the owner's feelings".
4. People blog because they write better than they speak - Crap. We all write and speak well. We would speak for you even if given the chance. One man went "a blog is my online diary" and another went "well i don't want to read what your personal life is about". The plot is lost. The person who said that should also stop reading the newspapers and watching news because every single event reported is someone else's personal life. Get it? So, to combat not writing about issues we feel strongly about, we shall instead just concentrate on writing well. From now on, all posts will be following the style of those Edusave-paid-for "Creative Writing" classes in secondary schools. We will only use flowery prose, flowing sentences and strict essay structure. We might resort to some poetry or haikus to lessen the burden of having to read 800 word essays. So, stay tuned for that.
5. Expletives - I think it's fuckin lame that the question was even asked if fuckin swearing was against the fuckin rules. What rules? Ah yes, the unspoken Yindian rules of blogging, which were all covered above in the first 4 pointers. Firstly, do read up on the history and different contextual usages of the word HERE. Secondly, I think it's just damn fuckin wrong that some people think I can't go "fuck!". I don't have a problem with the way you dig your nose on the bus and wipe it on the seat in front. In fact, I'd want you to fuckin do it again so I can get my 10 minutes of YouTube fame.
Thirdly, the KLKillahs should be fuckin hanged for teaching all those fuckin ten year old kids who read us religiously how to swear. What the fuck were we thinking? Fourthly, it is not nice to swear cos what will people think of you? That, I can put thoughts to words with the same intensity and bring across a point in the most efficient manner, that's what. Conclusion? We need to stop swearing. From now on, everything is just "nice" or "good" or "great" or "bad".
So, I think this will solve all issues the conservatives have with us. But of course, there is one other way around this that will not require any of the five steps above. All of youse should just stop reading. It will do your troubled minds a lot of good. Ask us for a pamphlet too. For an all paid holiday to the "world where people are not sarcastic nor nasty nor have opinions and everyone is nice and sweet and love each other and don't swear; ever". Next sampan leaves in an hour.
Still, this was a revelation. I think the KLKillahs should just swing 180 degrees and adopt a more "socially responsible" behaviour. God knows what we were doing all along with regards to shining the light on "society". Apparently, we were totally disillusioned and had our heads immersed in bags full of nitrous oxide. This is what is gonna happen now.
1. Only "socially responsible" issues will be written about - You don't need to know about unruly bus commuters, what's going on in local TV or even about dumb KLKriminals. What you are going to see henceforth, are strict expository [2 points YES, 2 points NO, Conclusion] on topics like education, politics, business and sports.
2. "You don't know who reads your blog" - We will turn this place into a private blog, fully password loaded so we know each and every one of the 500 odd souls who reload twice a day to read us. Registration includes full given name, IC number, existing residential address, age and your tolerance to sarcasm and cynicism so that we know exactly how to tailor a custom made post for you. Posts thus will not be published here but will be e-mailed to individual registrants so that they read only what they are capable of reading. We are an equal opportunity site.
3. The loss of face - The programme itself was conducted like a panchayat we often see in Tamil flicks. It wasn't a debate. Heck, it couldn't even pass off for a Pattimandram. Solomon Pappaiya would be quite displeased with this level of oral arguments. I only understood one thing through it all and it was harped on from start to end. Don't write anything that will make people lose face. That can be you, your folks, your siblings, your friends or complete strangers. Back to being Yindian and Asian and the ideal of protecting "maanam, rosham, suudu, sornai" at all times even to the brink of death. So, yeah, take your cue from what they said and even if you ate a restaurant that served you prata with cockroach eggs as a side dish, don't tell a soul. You are "hurting the owner's feelings".
4. People blog because they write better than they speak - Crap. We all write and speak well. We would speak for you even if given the chance. One man went "a blog is my online diary" and another went "well i don't want to read what your personal life is about". The plot is lost. The person who said that should also stop reading the newspapers and watching news because every single event reported is someone else's personal life. Get it? So, to combat not writing about issues we feel strongly about, we shall instead just concentrate on writing well. From now on, all posts will be following the style of those Edusave-paid-for "Creative Writing" classes in secondary schools. We will only use flowery prose, flowing sentences and strict essay structure. We might resort to some poetry or haikus to lessen the burden of having to read 800 word essays. So, stay tuned for that.
5. Expletives - I think it's fuckin lame that the question was even asked if fuckin swearing was against the fuckin rules. What rules? Ah yes, the unspoken Yindian rules of blogging, which were all covered above in the first 4 pointers. Firstly, do read up on the history and different contextual usages of the word HERE. Secondly, I think it's just damn fuckin wrong that some people think I can't go "fuck!". I don't have a problem with the way you dig your nose on the bus and wipe it on the seat in front. In fact, I'd want you to fuckin do it again so I can get my 10 minutes of YouTube fame.
Thirdly, the KLKillahs should be fuckin hanged for teaching all those fuckin ten year old kids who read us religiously how to swear. What the fuck were we thinking? Fourthly, it is not nice to swear cos what will people think of you? That, I can put thoughts to words with the same intensity and bring across a point in the most efficient manner, that's what. Conclusion? We need to stop swearing. From now on, everything is just "nice" or "good" or "great" or "bad".
So, I think this will solve all issues the conservatives have with us. But of course, there is one other way around this that will not require any of the five steps above. All of youse should just stop reading. It will do your troubled minds a lot of good. Ask us for a pamphlet too. For an all paid holiday to the "world where people are not sarcastic nor nasty nor have opinions and everyone is nice and sweet and love each other and don't swear; ever". Next sampan leaves in an hour.
I'm disappointed with the show...
No one will ever agree on seeing the ugly side of things. They think everything is picture perfect. I rather I had spent time reading your entries than watching half hour of that program.
my same thought!
hiii...i think they completely missed the whole point of blogging. If allowed, they might even ask for the abolishment of the friggin internet...
There have been many times when I could not agree with the views in your blog. However I have always respected your honesty in expressing your views. I also believe your intentions are good. I also enjoy the humour and wit in your blog. For these reasons I visit your blog more often than I watch Vasantham. However I have one polite request. Can you please remove the poll on whether we like or hate "Indian Indians"? Imagine if you ran a similar poll on whether we loved or hated chinese or malays in Singapore? Won't that be deemed divisive? Your poll may be seeking honest views but what is the impact? Does it help communities intergrate or divide? Views shape communities. You have many visitors to your blog. You have the power to shape views. Please use that power to intergrate our community. "With Great Powers come Great responsibility". Please use the power you have wisely. I know you mean well.
Anonymous: Well-said :)
i think you guys would have coughed blood if you saw the parts that were not edited out of the real programme. that included lots of ahem one of the miss v girls speaking and that debate alone went on for about 30 minutes. funnily they really thoroughly edited lots of things that should have been in there - as you could see in the last 5 minutes of the show where you could see a massive mish-mash of things. they even cut praba saying that KLKillahs goes "the extra mile" and the Miss V girls talking about some highly irrelevant poison letter and how we are likely to have spies in the Miss V show. oh and of course the comment made about an oli personality whose wife read that we had written sthg about him doing things under the table while watching the show.
i guess at the end of the day, we haven't reached that level where we can speak about censorship and issues as such because as you can see, apparently there are people who believe that "Freedom of Speech" should be controlled. That's funny cos then it isn't freedom of speech anymore right?
Hmm.. Now if only i could have actually said all of that in Tamil. Dang!
apologies for the poll. it was put up at a time when the entire "indranee rajah - expat indians" discussion was in the news. The post however has taken ages to be formulated because of hard disk failure.
it will be changed.
ah_neh.. thanks bro.. another reason why I visit your blog more often than I watch vasantham. You respond positvely to constructive comments.
About Ms Indranee Rajah's earlier comments.. I am not sure if she knows that such a divide seems to exist between China Chinese and Singapore Chinese too. I have seen internet forums where they argue ( expletives included)to no end. Maybe she thinks this problem is peculiar to Indians. In any case I hope she goes one step further than just highlighting the obvious and help close the gap between communities. As MP she must have more powers than you or me to do that.
Again I thank you for your positive response to my humble feedback. I should some day try giving feedback to Vasantham. To be fair I think thier dramas have become better over the years. But the episodes of "Pesuvam" so far have not been impressive... some episodes are even damaging in my opinion coz they give credibilty to wrong opinions. More on this later when I have time..
But really thanks Bro.. for your positive response.
you're welcome.
I am still annoyed that they linked freedom of speech with the usage of vulgarity.
If I were to follow Keling Kween's info, then the editors at Eagle Vision MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO HOLD A PAIR OF SCISSORS.
Can we call the Pesuvom folk and ask them to revisit blogging. And this time, get some real debate into the issue!
And no more finger pointing and mud slinging. Its nasty, its ugly and a total waste of time.
Hi everyone im a new kid on the block or rather on this blogspot.. I have been inspired by the effort shown by the KLkillahs team, BUT... I seriously cannot fathom why, many of u are able to give them the numerous positive feedback that they have been receiving.. I for once, cannot accept their views on many issues, but i have too many things to say that cannot be shortened into this comment space.. So tell u wad.. why dun u visit my very own blog.. Im sure u guys will give me some support too.. Aft all wad are Indians for ah..(Disregarding the crab story) And all u nice ppl at KLKillahs.. well im ur critic, so i feel that u might wanna know wad ur critic is saying, in ur own language.. the language of bloggin.. Hmmm i will leave it to ur discretion to formulate views abt me..
Hmm finally, b4 anyone post comments on a particular post, i would suggest u read the entire post.. Cos i have this inborn defect that doesnt let me tolerate ppl who dunno what they are toking abt.. Thank you and have a nice day..
Haiya! KelingKia
my goodness! how does this kelingkia know exactly where i studied and what i've done! now that is scary! talk about freedom of speech, i think the bigger issue is invasion of privacy! *screams and runs into a hole*
Hmm if i were to answer that, i would be digressing from my intended motives.. But anyways, dun worry, no invasion of privacy all.. It could be as simple as me already knowing u..
KelingKia.. just read your blog.. "alamak..bes lah makkeh!".. kudos to you. I must admit I have not read all of it ( like you say.. a little bit long winded.. ).. but I appreciate your spirit. The whole thing about the internet is that it has made the world flatter. Like AirAsia.. "now everyone can fly".. now every can talk.. and even be heard. I enjoyed KLkillah blog coz it is witty and honest. I also know they mean well. But there are still many things I don't agree. and then you KelingKia comes along. The "invisible hand" ( aka "self regulation" )of the internet is at work now. The beauty of citizen journalism everyone can have thier say. No one has sole control. No one has absolute power. when every speaks, argue. The best ideas will stand at last. So.. Let the games begin. I love this. say your peace. But as a well wisher can I make two polite requests? 1) Don't blog too much to that extent your time for your own studies ( or work ) is affected. 2)Discuss, argue..whatever.. but in the end be respectful, cordial ( friends) and genuinely accepting of each other.. after all you have the same good intentions. Otherwise "Kalagam piranthal vazhi pirakkum". Cheers.
If only everyone thought like u.....:) Good read....enlightening!
oops ,
the above comment was meant for div's recent entry!!!Sorry guys!
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